Poulin Firearms & Militaria Auctioneers is extremely proud to have been chosen by the Atlanta History Center to aid in their deaccession of significant Civil War and antique arms. The Atlanta History Center owns and displays the best well-rounded Civil War collection in the United States. The items being offered are duplicates or arms unrelated to the history center’s mission. Among the offerings are the finest group of Whitworth British military and Whitworth sporting rifles of the Civil War era ever offered in a public venue.
The Atlanta History Center (AHC) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Objects in this public auction from AHC are legally deaccessioned from the institutional collection. Procedures for deaccessioning follow the Code of Ethics for Museums by the American Alliance of Museums. All objects were examined by the curator as well as independent experts in the collecting field. The Atlanta History Center’s deaccession policy prohibits use of funds received from this public auction for any purpose other than to support its Civil War collection by artifact purchase or conservation. If AHC does not offer deaccessioned items to another nonprofit organization, it is obligated to proffer them at public auction. This guarantees a fair and open market and equal opportunity for all potential buyers. AHC employees, board members, and other associated individuals are prohibited from acquiring deaccessioned objects, even at public auction.